
Omar comin..

what's with the awful long hair on Carl and Daryl this season?

can't remember, if there was i think it was just implied, could be wrong.

I know but having an actress who's 18 or 19 but looks 15-16, which is probably closer to the age of her character, have that power and do those scenes seems like an excuse to take advantage of her new found legality and it might have been unnecessary cause we don't really know if sex killing is her entire deal anyway,

So with this and Homeland, this seems to be the week of barely legal TV girls having their first unnecessary sex scenes

Showtime - where every show gets over 5 seasons except period pieces

Dana focused episodes of Homeland turn the show into this

i hated everything about this episode

where's Talking Sun?

worlds biggest Imax is a 90 minute drive away for me yet the closest cinema is a 3-5 minute drive away for me

Buried right next to Terriers

The only decent thing Rebel Wilson has ever done was playing Toula in Pizza where here only job was pretty much to say "oh ma gawd Habibi" and mention something about eating junk food

the moment i found out the dog was still alive a dropped the show completely

oh so sorry wow, do i feel like an asshole now

eat shit you pompous cunt

3 months later

and they all lived happily ever after….except Brock….fuck Brock

i liked south park better when i was 12

Justin long transforms into kevin smith with tusks