
That was fantastic, best episode of the season, was it Lucy Liu's first directing gig at this show? Reminded me of John Slatterys first at Mad Men, excellent shot compositions. I just recently found out that there will be another season, was very worried before, hopefully she'll get some more shots at this. Absoluetly

Not in Germany unfortunately. I would have already seen it if it was.

Ok, I'm starting to feel really bad after numerous articles about this movie because I still haven't seen it (and I'm german). Time to atone I guess. And Nina Hoss is quite lovely as others have already mentioned.

Never heard of Basia Bulat before, and absolutely love her now. Was listening to her albums the whole day, so thanks Josh.

It's possibly my favorite song by him, depressing as fuck, don't know what it says about me (and I really don't wanna know).

Also a fine record, my copy still has a sticker on it with "…Sub Pop's next time bomb is about to explode. Take cover", which is a SPIN quote. They really have a knack for cover versions, though, can't think of a bad example, and they always put their own spin on it.

They do a lot of other cover versions, Love Crimes is a more recent and great example, and you should check out Uptown Avondale as well. Everyone should, now that I mention it.

Couldn't agree more.

It's my favourite album as well (and not just by them, even listened to it on my way home from work today), and while Black Love is a good album, it had the misfortune to follow Gentlemen. And there are great tracks on it, love Crime Scene pt.1 and Faded, I just don't feel it on some of the other tracks.

I usually really like reading the comments on avclub after watching the episodes a day later (don't live in the states), but man, this is horrible. I have to agree with Zack on this one. I honestly believe a lot of people haven't watched the original run way back. This was the second best episode after Darin's, the

I don't get it either. And some people even get upset about gender or racial issues, like yeah, that's a problem that should be tackled with Oscar nominations…

“Who would argue that the venue was the cause of these happy memories,
nor the bill of fare? The bitter coffee, the rancid bacon, those stale
biscuits that were tomb and grave to so many insects. No, gentlemen, it
was the meandering conversation, the lingering with men of character –
some of whom are walking with me

Yeah, didn't really like it either, I visit Pajiba from time to time (but never comment, too incestuous for my taste) and was embarassed for them when I read it there a couple of days ago. And I don't have the slightest fucking idea how any of it is damning evidence, but I guess this is why Brendan and also Steven are

But how can you honestly say he would be stupid enough to leave the key, which was found on the fourth visit I think (weeks later!) by people who were not even supposed to be there in the first place (it was Lenk I think)? If it just had been lying around there on the floor, wouldn't you think the first 3 visits to

Again, being the last known person to have seen a missing or murdered person doesn't mean you're the one responsible for that fact. He is not known for running people off the road and pointing guns at them as you wrote, it happened only once, to one person, and that was how long ago? Of the burglary charges I only

Well, here's what I don't get: you ask what are the chances some random murderer happens right next to his compound implying he is known for having killed or raped before. But guess what? He didn't. I just mention that in case you skipped the first two episodes.
So I guess the chances are as high as one popping up

That's what I don't get, it can't be any more obvious that it was planted. So apparently he is not wearing any gloves when handling the vehicle, if that blood is supposed to have come off his finger, which means that there should be fingerprints, but there aren't. So you want me to believe he wiped off the whole car,

Ah, no worries, doesn't sound snooty at all, I really like these tonal shifts, keeps me on my toes and makes the series really unpredictable. The sequence with Peggy watching this b/w flick and getting sucked into it as we were was a good example of this, kinda throws you off for a second and I really like that kind

Sorry to hear that you don't really care for any of these characters, I have to admit that I almost cried at the pancake scene with Karl and Betsy and they are only minor characters.

Binged the first season and loved it, loving the second even more and one of the reason is certainly because I have more time to think about single episodes and watching these polite fights days after they aired certainly contributes to it. That's not a new argument I know and It's perfectly fine for other shows of