Brass Tax

A former co-worker of mine drove a Miata and he was about 6'2".

I am very disappointed they chose "Scorch" over "Combus-chen"

It could be worse; it could be the universe where Denise Richards is the sexy scientist.

I liked how much he struggled with doing the right thing, grimacing because he knew it was dragging him down the rabbit hole of Cassie-insanity but couldn't help himself.

Not the good kind of self-five. OR IS IT?!?

Same experience regarding the high school showering. Only after swimming, and everyone left their suit on and tried to change while still wearing a towel.

NBC - Britta-ing everything, especially Community dates.

Hooray! Now maybe Donald Glover won't feel so bad about what he masturbates to!

I thought I remembered internet rumors about Kill Bill's sequel, that not only did Tarantino want to make a sequel based on Vernita Green's daughter, he actually shot the footage he would need at the time to make it. I too really hope this happens.

Splooger to the dome!

I think you guys are right; it sure looked like the former Mrs. Cruise.

There is also the Marzipan's Answering Machine in which SB tells her she won "One million! punches in the face", or that she has won a membership to the goat-face club. That doesn't mean she has the face of a goat, or a goat's head, but that her face looks like a goat.

This website was truly a jorb well done.

As evidenced by my username, favorite one was Homestar interviewing for the job with Strong Bad.

Homsar and Senor Cardgage have to be the weirdest characters in this truly bizarre, disturbing universe; don't they?

Oh I didn't bwing any. I dwove.

I held off from reading this book for the longest time as a child because the cover art didn't look that appealing to me.

A wizard did it.

Encyclopedia Brown and his father, Chief Brown.

My fantasy football team name is 1.21 JJ-Watts. Just thought you would like to know.