chubby ballerina

I love that you think "Hilary Diaper Pin People" is so funny that you used it twice. You're adorable.

I remember looking forward to November 9 so much because this idiot is EXHAUSTING and surely once he lost we could all breathe again. So I feel you - we need a reprieve. The news alert on my phone was genuinely giving me panic attacks by the time I turned it off. All of this is just so frustrating and scary and

I will fight anyone who makes fun of the Maryland flag. That thing should be flown on castles throughout the land. I love it so much.

It is beyond creepy, that a lobbying organization, a large industry, and let's be real, Fox News, need their audience to be terrified to make money.

What I found particularly creepy about his video was his takeaway from Auschwitz: seeing the horror of such a place actually increased his desire to keep brown people out of our country ("strong national security," but we know what that means). Instead of being horrified at the endpoint to bigotry and hate that

One of my uncles draws incomprehensible political cartoons for his local paper occasionally and I think of them every time Mike Huckabee tries to make a joke.


How terrible. I hope they find her safe.

Guess I missed the diamonds thing, but everything else is relatively accurate. Why are they worried about diamond sales?

I prefer Pepsi Generation Next, specifically the Spice Girls commercial.

I've been looking for a way out of being a millenial but apparently I don't even make the cut for this dumb xennial thing. Born in '85 and have no connection to the "millenial" concept.

I'm guessing Melania had some bleeding after her last procedure and he never got over it. Now it's the worst thing he can say about a woman.

She's definitely an Aunt.

I wish Huntsman would just come back. Only good governor we've had in my lifetime.

The way they've carved up that district is gross. Salt Lake basically has no representation because of the way it's been split. I miss the Matheson days of having a solitary democrat amongst our representation.

Prior to being a rep, Jason made his money in multi-level marketing. So the worst kind of person.

There's a special place in hell for "charities" that scam small donations from old people. Especially when most old people are already primed by Fox News to be afraid of "the liberals," this guy's call scripts are especially disgusting.

Daytrotter was great for finding new bands in the mid-2000s. I don't know if it still is bc it fell off my radar eventually but I have good memories of it during that era.

False accusation culture?? I love when they try to duplicate our language and end up just failing.

I am so sad that I only have two middle fingers right now.