chubby ballerina

He's also going to direct his followers to boycott Stephen Colbert's advertisers in retribution for Hannity losing advertisers. They're also trying to boycott Rachel Maddow for reasons unknown, other than she's liberal.

And, of late, the weirdo who posted a lingerie pic of his own daughter on Twitter.

I really want someone to wear a fake arm.

That ProPublica article made me so angry. What a terrible, cruel way to run a business, going hard after people on Section 8 assistance.
Link if you want to be filled with anger at evil businessmen now running the country: https://www.propublica.org/…


But Hannity's continual Twitter meltdowns are a joy to behold. Just today he gave us the image of an afterlife filled with Roger Ailes readying himself to kick all our asses.

As far as pre-written speeches, we have Stephen Miller's speech on Islam to look forward to next week. It will go well, I'm sure.

And don't forget the random quotation marks around words that don't need them.

My great-grandma claimed to have invented "Shave and a haircut, two bits" and I believed her because I was seven and didn't know what Alzheimer's was.

That story got buried, obviously bc the Comey story is big, but I hope it becomes known. The more we shine a light on voter suppression, the better.

They're so sad the War on Christmas is over. There are no more worlds left to conquer.

Grand Escalante in Utah was declared a monument back in the Clinton administration and Orrin Hatch is still mad about it.

"Putting the states back in charge of their lands" really means "letting the state government sell off their lands to oil companies". Really looking forward to southern Utah turning into a giant oil rig. Thanks, Orrin Hatch, you really looked out for our state's interest when you helped this president draft this EO.

Because that's totally not something a dictator would do.

I don't know what was more upsetting for me, the state-sponsored rape scene or the "her fault . . . teach her a lesson" scene in the Red Center. And I've read the book! Seeing it brought to life, especially with the touches of modernity, is kind of a gut punch. I'm glad it's a weekly show because wow.

The moment when she's shut out of the meeting at her house was really good too. Before Gilead, she would've been in the room, probably leading the discussion.

no words.

I'm not not implying it.

Whatever the hell is going on with Nunes looks like some rookie-ass mistake. Whoever in the administration is leading him by the nose is going to look like an idiot when this is over.

Oh Ellen. I don't need a Range Rover. I have INSURANCE.