chubby ballerina

I am not emotionally equipped to watch "Jurassic Bark" more than the one time I've seen it.

I hope all that's ever built is a half-mile stretch of wall that will sit abandoned, but never torn down as a testament of the insanity that plagued our nation in 2016. Like, school kids in the future can visit it on field trips so they never forget what happened.

And let's not forget Mr. Trump's assertion that their mere presence is what causes sexual assault and rape in the military.

yeah, I get that it's a famous image from the show, but a figurine of a character who was sexually abused and murdered is really messed up.

Eh, let's just make fun of his Patrick Bateman-lookalike grown children. They done way more to deserve it.

literally no one.

I wish things had turned out differently. I was so disappointed - I knew Utah would never vote for Hilary Clinton, but it felt like going for McMullin would've at least made a statement that Trump doesn't represent our state. Being a Democrat in Utah sometimes feel futile, but I had some hope for my state this last

I think he mixed up Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton.

It's for those very reasons that I am continually shocked to learn how many of my fellow Mormons voted for him. We can't be for religious freedom if we're not for religious freedom for everyone.

Jason Chaffetz already has at least one challenger in 2018, a lawyer from Utah County. Chaffetz's district is the reddest district in a very red state, so the only hope of getting him out is another Republican who is hopefully not as terrible. Even though I don't live in that district, I will be knocking doors,

I saw that misogynist "fat women" meme on the page of the quarterback from my high school, who is now the father of a daughter. I genuinely hope she doesn't internalize his misogyny. I feel for girls who are raised by fathers like that. While my dad is conservative, he never made me feel I was any less capable than my

It was literally the perfect moment for him to get decked. "Oh, this is Pepe the…" BAM!

That's so cool, man. Congratulations!

Yeah, seriously. That dish looked like church potluck gone wrong.

World's best birthday present? Ever? I'm so jealous.

Social media activism isn't a total bust. I've been seeing signs of unhappiness in my Facebook friends, who are mostly from high school and college in Utah (and v. conservative). One girl from high school, who is now the mother of a child with special needs, was particularly angry about Betsy DeVos. I commented with

There has been so much crap happening that I haven't even heard about this yet. AWFUL.

At the very least say someone like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. You know. The really obvious answers. People who held the office he's about to.

Yay! Good work, my friend.