chubby ballerina

Tillerson's responses about climate change were super super crappy. I hope he's denied, along with Amway profiteer and public school killer DeVos.

I had a similar experience (mailbox full) but was able to get through to my congressman's local office. Don't know if it did any good, but the nice lady on the phone took down my name, location, and request that we keep the ACA.

But the boots…I love the boots. :(

"After he shut down Acosta, he took a question from someone from Breitbart." - - and the prophecy was fulfilled.

Jane Levy is so talented and deserves better than this. Suburgatory was a fun show and I am rooting for everyone in that cast.

I believe this is 100% true.

Anti-vax is weirdly bipartisan.

I'll be at the march in Park City which is led by Chelsea Handler but we can let that slide. Any Utah/Mountain West people going to be there?

I loved that he mentioned that Meryl Streep doesn't even know him, as though that makes him immune to criticism. His grasp of the office he just won is so small (tiny hands, after all) that it boggles my mind. More than any other politician, the president is criticized, by the opposition and even their own party.

Ann Coulter says it's totes cool bc he was just doing a "standard r——d" and not making fun of that specific reporter. Because I guess it's okay to make fun of people with disabilities, so long as you do it generally.

Singin' in the Rain forever.

Aw, I'm glad. Deserved.


ughhhhhhh shut up jimmy

He looks amazing!

and boob contour

which of her movies do you think he'll call "very boring"?

Say it Meryl

I applaud it!
