chubby ballerina

I look forward to the Bake Off every year for just those reasons: nice people using a skill, judges who want them to succeed, and fun, supportive hosts. It's all just good people and I really appreciate a reality show with that point of view.

It was a pretty great bread lion.

Or we could just use Freeform as a shorthand since it's a stupid name anyway.

I have my fingers crossed that it happens!
Also, hi fellow liberal Utahn! :)

Not safe for life. I vommed.

Another great one! I love both.

Rilo Kiley hit when I was in college, which feels like perfect timing, but now every RK song sounds even more like nostalgia than it did before.

I like both of your purchases and also thanks for the heads up on the LOTR sale!

I hope it all works out because fresh oregano is the greatest and also I want to believe our Amazon purchases aren't being monitored.


Sounds great!

It helps to not be a Prime member anymore. When I had Prime I bought everything from Amazon, but I mostly use it for Kindle now.

I hope the new chair helps! Bulging discs are no joke.

Last thing you bought off Amazon, go:
The Girls by Emma Cline and also a pair of padded bicycling underpants.

He was in a web series w/Shiri Appleby, so I'm guessing that's the connection.

same, along with the usual random signing outs.

tons on anti-semitism on THR, too.

Yeah man, it's not worth it. I saw a bit of FN at the gym after Freddie Gray's killer was let off the hook and it was disgusting how happy Sean Hannity was.

Your dog is v. cute and also v. smart because thunder is scary.

Give it a shot! Like LaToya says, it's better than it has any right to be.