chubby ballerina

I remember my friends and I being excited for after-school detention when we were sophomores because it was going to be "just like Breakfast Club"! Really it was just a bunch of us working off excess tardies by silently passing notes to each other and staring into space. Basically, what you pictured.

Speaking as someone who owns the 25th anniversary DVD of Pretty in Pink, which purports to show the original ending but really only shows the cast talking about it, you are right.

I watched an episode of Say Yes to the Dress (don't judge) where the bride was a huge huge Train fan and she won a contest to have the drummer? bassist? officiate her wedding because that is a thing that happened. She needed a very "rock and roll" dress for the ceremony which took place at a Train concert and was


Ugh, pad Thai! You make me jealous. I miss it so much since the only Thai place in town closed down. Now the only pad Thai available within 50 miles is at Noodles & Co.

I somehow read Anansi Boys before American Gods. It's definitely inessential and can be read as a standalone, but enjoyable nonetheless.

There's a spin-off novel (Anansi Boys) that's kind of fun, but it's not required reading.

I was genuinely worried for Alana and her family, so that final shot of them walking away like a couple of Russian grand duchesses fleeing the revolution made me happy.

They finally got to be murder husbands.

Me too. I love Last Week Tonight but I miss Andy throwing jokey barbs at John for moving to America every week. And their updates on Silvio Berlusconi.

You may enjoy this piece http://www.cityweekly.net/T… about the moral panic that spread when RATM was booked at a small-town Utah venue back in the 90s.

I swear, re-purposing leftovers makes me feel so good about myself. No waste! (especially after seeing the food waste story on Last Week Tonight the other week)

Still loving my garden - last night was smothered yellow squash with cilantro and queso fresco. I marinated some chicken drumsticks using this recipe http://nomnompaleo.com/post… which is one of my favorite marinades I've tried in the last few months AND it used some of my mint, which I have more than I could ever use

He's got too much of a sensitive-90s dude affect about him to play a manly 60s cop.

There is nothing wrong with having a blend-in name. My first name is fairly uncommon in the US and it was such a burden to me in school (I like it now).

I miss Gov. Huntsman. He did a lot of good as governor and his replacement was/is terrible.

The one good thing about the Unauthorized Saved by the Bell was the set design. None of the actors looked anything like the characters and the story was beyond boring but the set designers got the Max down perfectly.

"Tougher Than the Rest" is such a great Springsteen song. No, there are no great pickup lines in it, but it's such a beautiful sentiment: "we've both been disappointed before, but it's made us stronger, so let's take this chance together".

I think Blonde on Blonde is the better record but I've listened to Blood on the Tracks far more often. "Shelter from the Storm" is probably my favorite Dylan song.

I genuinely hope his wife has a support system available that will allow her to leave him. I know it's difficult in that culture but I hope she has a friend or family member that can help her, for her sake and her children's. Nobody should have to stay with a cheating child molester.