chubby ballerina


"Should I grow my hair out?" -Ed
YES YOU SHOULD, ED. I love little asides like this.

Pete's constant agitation at the things going on around him will never not be funny.

Megan knows her career is going nowhere (she's even asking Harry Crane for advice!) and she needs someone to blame. And let's be real, Don did lie to her: he changed his move to California after she'd already quit her job and then he could've been in LA all that time he was shut out of SC&P but he never said anything

Half Cruella, half Annie Hall.

Agreed! It was the first Wes Anderson movie I saw, so I don't know if that plays in to it, but I love the Life Aquatic.

Yes, exactly! That's Downton's biggest problem. If NBC can get some other writers in to provide varying points of view, it might end up being good.

Oh bless. He's not the brightest, is he?

I know Age of Innocence is Wharton's best work and the Scorsese adaptation is gorgeous, but I have such a love for the super tragic Lily Bart. And Gillian Anderson as Lily Bart is perfection.

I'm a big Edith Wharton fan, so I'm on board for anything from the time period. Maybe NBC will bring in other writer besides Fellowes? It could be good.

It is great that you're time traveling, but please don't forget about your Triangle Shirtwaist Factory.

The Jane/Xo/Alba moment was so perfect. I was tearing up, just like our narrator.

Yael Grobglas is SO. BEAUTIFUL. it is not even fair.

Nah, I was thinking Erik is really cute with that whole look.

Read this list and all the sudden it's 2005 and I'm in college spending inordinate amounts of time reading music blogs.

I won a Cartoon Network t-shirt back in the nascent days of the channel. I mean, the grand prize was a trip to Six Flags, but still. T-shirt from my favorite tv channel!

It didn't look like he was wearing a ring, but he was in the episode so briefly. And most of my attention was on the mustache, obviously.

The longer hair is really working for Stan. And the beard is always perfect.

True true. Those people depressed me.

Do those people still exist seven seasons in? Because whoa.