chubby ballerina

The other judges tried to take the chefs cooking styles into account and it seemed like Richard didn't. When have Adam or Doug ever used molecular gastronomy? He didn't do a terrible job picking ingredients - obviously, as Doug won - but he was the only judge who didn't keep the chefs he was shopping for in mind. I

Has that really happened and if so, please link!!

Also, Gregory often wears a wolf bolo tie in his interviews and I can't hate someone who does that.

That's what drives me nuts about Melissa. Cool, you're good with a knife. So is literally everyone else you're competing against. Step it up and stop spending two hours chopping vegetables!

I feel you. My little sister set her wedding date recently - for the same week I turn 30, which leaves me both the oldest sibling and the only unmarried sibling. I've had a rough two years (multiple surgeries, follow up infections, general Crohn's Disease terribleness) and haven't had time or energy to focus on

Happy birthday! Hope it was lovely.

Genuine question: do we still have the Terror Threat Level thing? The only time I remember seeing it was in an airport and I haven't flown in a couple years.

Tobias was my favorite part of the episode. It was an overall good, sweet story but Grunge Toby really added some hilarity.

Oh my gosh, this is everything I love. I couldn't find the whole thing but here's a cut of some scenes: http://youtu.be/8OeqKOShtiM

That's mostly right, but Keith Morrison. He's got more folksy in his heart than Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young put together.

I've never sat on a jury so my only experience with this stuff is Law and Order. But I can't imagine listening to hours of that weird cadence and actually retaining what was said.

I was thinking that and I only heard the brief excerpt they played.

I'll say this about last year's Sound of Music: I was rolling my eyes a lot until Audra McDonald busted out "Climb Every Mountain". That just broke me and I ended up enjoying the rest of the show.

I know I shouldn't ask, but what's the name of that doc? It sounds like something I would watch.

I was surprised by that, too. Gregory's clearly the front-runner - even his failure with the goose was because he took a big risk, rather than play it safe.

Mei's really grown on me. She seemed kind of cocky in the first few episodes - especially the one where she was paired with Katsuji and Katie - but her personality has shone through as the herd's thinnned. I'm rooting for her now.

How's this season been? I've been saving up episodes to binge on with my sister during the holidays. I really loved last season and was genuinely sad when Jack (Hawaiian shirt kid) was eliminated. Are the kids as lovable this season?

Don't swear, Murray.

"All for Love" is my favorite of that batch. The video is amazing - it tries to make it seem like Bryan Adams, Sting, and Rod Stewart are just bros, hanging out, having fun singing a little song they wrote together, but it could not look more like the desperate cash-grab that it is.

My favorite Hildi disaster was when she covered an entire bathroom wall by stapling thousands of fake flowers to it. There was no way the owners could fix it without removing and replacing the drywall.