chubby ballerina

Yes, they (and their commenters) don't seem to deal with outside opinions very well. Like I said, I still really enjoy Mad Style itself. But I don't enjoy the occasional know-it-all attitude - or the way critical commenters are treated.

I'm not an actor, but going out strapped to a gurney and shouting "get out while you still can!" is now my life plan.

He'd probably get a lot of ECT and maybe lithium. Mental illness in any era is never easy, but 50s-60s treatments always seemed torturous to me. Poor Ginsberg.

Generally, I really like Mad Style. But sometimes they have a "we called it!" attitude that's just beyond annoying.

I assume Ginzo is going to be "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest"-ed.

I'm not arguing that it's hard to add spoiler warnings. I'm arguing that spoilers don't ruin the experience of a good show. I'm not ideologically opposed to spoiler warnings: in this case, I didn't find it fair to "spoil" a show that's not being discussed in the article.

Agreed. Also, I feel like we need to get past this idea that knowing something is going to happen will somehow ruin the experience for you. For me, and hopefully for others, it just doesn't. I knew certain Breaking Bad spoilers when I started watching it four seasons late. I still loved the show and was even shocked

You mean Veda from My Girl.

The Green/White Ranger was one of the great crushes of my fourth grade year.

I taught my dad how to use the Ken Burns effect in iMovie this weekend. He was really excited because he loves Ken Burns documentaries. (I do, too.)

That jawline.

Both the Vergers looked amazing. Like 19th-century Russian tsars or something.

That is an excellent answer. I'm sad I didn't think of it.

Okay, guys. It's time: which dictator has the best style sense?

Ooo, is that what's happening on Hannibal tonight?

Both YSL and Tom Ford have men's cosmetics lines. A lot of it is high-end skin care/shaving accoutrement, but both lines offer undereye brighteners and concealer for men. However, YSL and Tom Ford, particularly, are top of the market expensive and the men's lines are fairly new. I'm a big makeup/skin care junkie and

Aw, thanks.

I just liked the way chubby ballerina sounded; I am neither chubby nor a very good ballerina.

In your defense, Gawker posted a link to the Vice article and its the second Google result for "max headroom vice".

Annnnnnnd, I just spent the last half hour listening to a BBC radio doc about numbers stations.