chubby ballerina

Steer clear of the fangirls. I really enjoyed this series, but the fandom for it terrifies me.

Our local grocery store got some Mexican Coke in a few years ago and it was so popular that they just carry it all the time now. Mexican Sprite, too, which is less fizzy but better tasting than regular Sprite.

I'm so tired of the catering challenges. They overly-relied on them during the Texas season and the Texas season was probably the worst. Catering has its place in the food world but it just doesn't lead to interesting food in a cooking challenge. Fortunately, there weren't too many this year and the boucherie episode

Right? Hopefully that idiotic food biathlon showed the producers how silly physical challenges are on this show. That Texas season was just so, so bad.

Occasionally, I'll pay attention to those bottom-of-the-screen polls and in the contest of Nick v. Carlos, the voters very much preferred Nick. It was surprising to me because this is the only place I talk about Top Chef and most AV Club commenters aren't fans. But apparently the people who vote in those polls like

I'd be happy for any of the three you mentioned winning fan favorite, but especially Stephanie. She's one of the most likeable chefs that's ever been on the show.

I just don't remember loving something that much as a young teen. I was waaaay too cool for the Backstreet Boys/Nsync battles and missed out on the screamy adoration of a pop idol. So I just don't understand it, even when I think back to 13-year-old me.

If it's true to the book, no, not really. But you never know how adaptations will go.

Actual tweet going around on the #JustinBieberSavedMyLife hashtag:
"Justin saved millions of broken girls while he was broken himself. He's a real hero."

No way! I haven't seen them advertise that one. It's great.

Damn. I hadn't heard that story. I never got into To Catch a Predator when it was on. It seemed so icky and exploitative. I'm kind of glad I never watched it.

That one was pretty hard to watch - the case started in Utah, where I'm from, and I remember all the stories about it at the time: why did the father randomly take his kids camping in the middle of the night, in the dead of winter? It was interesting seeing the story told from a national perspective, rather than the

And the names keep getting campier: Wives with Knives, Southern-Fried Homicide, Poisoned Passions, Pretty Bad Girls…

Love the reenactments, particularly when they show pictures of the actual people at the end and the actors look like good-looking fun-house mirror versions of them.

I've really liked Emeril's turn as a judge on Top Chef. He's more elder statesman than crowd-pleasing "kick it up a notch" show host.

Yeah, that's a big problem I had with letting the contestants judge. Carlos's dish was so obviously his dish. They might not have known that Louis was the other chef, though most of the eliminated contestants haven't seemed too shocked to see that they're up against Louis in LCK. I don't know. I just think that

It's not so much that it's easily fixed by the diner than the chef should have the palette to tell it's underseasoned. They shouldn't send out a dish the requires additional seasoning by the diner, basically.

LCK Not-Really-Spoilers:

I think it encases the belly in a comforting way.

I'm not the hugest tofu fan, but everyone's reactions really made me want to try Shirley's dish. The fish looked beautiful, too.