chubby ballerina

Tumblr loves the "the only people for me are the mad ones" quote.

Flash Forward!

That challenge felt like a parody of a product-placement challenge. So labyrinthine and nonsensical.

I wanted to know more about the "talent managers" or whoever it was that had to deal with Ken freaking out (while wearing a face mask and ironing his jorts).

It's crashed my Chrome browser on the mobile site every time I've used it this week. So I've been waiting to read the comments until I get to my computer.

Do you think they'll do that weird text-the-audience-during-intermission thing?? Or the projecting tweets on the walls thing? I really hope they do. Because SOCIAL MEDIA and stuff.

The movie script shied away from the religious aspect, most likely because they wanted it to be a family-friendly epic movie series with armored polar bears and cool animal daemons. I wonder if the filmmakers resented Pullman bringing up his atheism because they were specifically trying to avoid the protests? It seems

@avclub-e46fa50c967edb3d8391cc2fa53f6c6f:disqus That is a truly adorable story.

Also, she is aware of him enough to notice that he always seems to be laughing with his friends.

Oh, hey, little brother! I still resent you for that!

Especially if his character is as well-executed as what's-his-British-face from last season.

Did anyone watch that Padma-picks-the-New-Orleans-chef web thing? I don't mind Last Chance Kitchen, but that seems like too much. 

That was a nice moment - I'm glad they included it. Even when Walt looks like hell and is on death's door, it's HIS money that he earned with HIS brilliance.

I really like that. Good work, you.

That made me laugh so hard.

Would it be sellable with all the dog poo on the floor and dead reptiles laying around?

I couldn't watch that scene. I've never looked away from any other scene in this show, but I've had too many bad IV sticks in my life.

Neeeeeeeeeeever happened.

As far as Walt knows, Jesse's already dead. The blue meth alone isn't enough proof and Walt really doesn't care. He just needs everyone to remember his name.

Maybe it's his cyanide capsule for when he gets caught?