chubby ballerina

Well, at least all the people who wish AVC covered Psych can see what they'd be in for every week. . .

Mini-Gibby is pretty great, so long as they don't overuse him.

Vince is a junior? As much as I love this show always and forever, I have the worst time keeping track of who's at what point in high school.

My affiliate did about two years ago, after they showed the original The Office series. It made for a nice 11-midnight on Saturday nights.

@La Pipe - Urban Outfitters had straw boaters this summer. Maybe you can get one on clearance right now or something.

Wherein the soundtrack is miles better than the movie. It's heavy on the Ryan Adams and Tom Petty with some My Morning Jacket mixed in. I listen to it pretty frequently, though I only saw the movie once.

The R+J soundtrack was one of the first CDs I ever bought and I still listen to some of the songs.

I thought Jessica Simpson was a weird choice at first, but her bag/shoe line is incredibly successful. She must have some sort of idea about what sells.

Always love the interactions between the Riggins brothers, even when they're kind of heartbreaking like last night.

Also agree - it was a bit cliche, but it was well-acted. I'm really loving Michael B. Jordan - excellent casting there.

I only wish I could discuss it with real-life people, instead of a comment thread . . . or maybe I just need new friends.

I was surprised at how attached I feel to "The New Class" - the scenes with Vince and Jess were nice and I really felt for Becky.

That was pretty great - I was holding my breath a bit, wondering if they were going to take it there.

I would wear the necklace she was wearing.

Stephen Frye > Jim Dale for all characters, especially Hagrid.

Oh, Dobby. He was the (spoiler?) saddest death in the book, next to Snape. I agree with Tecumseh, it's because both of their deaths weren't rushed. But man, did I cry like a baby when Dobby died.

Lexicon, I hate your junior high teacher.

The Bradys lived in Los Angeles??

The series is in the Young Adult section at the library where I work - it's mostly checked out by that age group (12-18), but is popular w/college-age kids, too. For what it's worth.

I started watching iCarly in a similar state (terrible flu last winter) and I agree. Most tween sitcoms seem to be agressively stupid, but iCarly is pleasantly silly and enjoyable.