
After seeing Spalding Gray ejaculate onscreen in that Farmer's Daughter's porno, I can't look at him the same.

After seeing Spalding Gray ejaculate onscreen in that Farmer's Daughter's porno, I can't look at him the same.

I'm not contributing anything to this money pit.

I'm not contributing anything to this money pit.

It's amicable terms, not amiable.
but then I'm no nucular scientist, foilage.

Is Darth Vader's NOOOOOO  in these movies actually performed by James Earl Jones?

Rosie, What We Really Want is for you to play some Dawes. Any song you want.  Cause we here at the avclub, all of us, without exception, really think Dawes is awesome and you should sing some Dawes, too.

Just rub a little bit of shampoo on your mirror and rinse it off. It'll stay unfogged for at least the length of your shower!

that is, Treme premiere

getting fancy with our punctuation. I can't wait for the Breaking Bad season premiere. What did you think of the Treme premiere? Do you think Kristin Wiig will premiere a new character soon?

Lesbian Spider Queens..
looks a whole lot like Wizard of Wor

More obscure role questions,
I seriously like it when you guys throw in a few odd early roles. They almost always result in some interesting stories.