Cliffhanger starring Sly and John Lithgow. My dad and I watched it on a Saturday morning in lieu of cartoons…not much of a difference, really.
Cliffhanger starring Sly and John Lithgow. My dad and I watched it on a Saturday morning in lieu of cartoons…not much of a difference, really.
It's a really great show to dvr. If nothing else, around the net is good for a chuckle. I just miss Alison Haislip
I snorted Amy Winehouse's ashes. Now I'm remembered as being more impressive than I actually was.
I don't understand the appeal of your music, but I agree with Angry Black Man that your offer of hard dick to those whiny lesbians was pretty funny.
I quite enjoyed Bill's 'By any means necessary' line right after Nan referenced the civil rights movement.
Terra Nova could be fun, but as for Zooey Deschanel…well if I want to see her, I'll just pull up some photoshopped nudes on the internet, thankyouverymuch.
That's a bummer about those comics. I work as a grader for a comic book store and some woman mailed us what was supposedly a copy of Fantastic 4 #1. Turns out someone ripped a reprint of it out of a TPB, stapled it together, and sold it to her for $500. It must suck to be that stupid.
I agree that it's lazy, but come on…Jane Austen novels were the chick flicks of their day. I'd probably sit through 'Bride Wars' if said wars involved zombies.
Sooooo…we aren't going to talk about how awesome a machine gun that fires CDs is?