
@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus Yeah, not sure. I've only started listening to it in the last month. I was always hesitant because of the bad reputation it has here, but I figured I enjoyed the talent so much on CBB and elsewhere, I might as well, yeah?

Will Forte wasn't on the right wavelength last year, obviously, but I am sure he'd kill on a return appearance.

I think How Did This Get Made is really underrated in this department. They spend quite a lot of time picking apart films from a screenwriting-perspective, and usually have good insight.

It's a wonderful dynamic. Mantzoukas really wants to hate things, to rant and bluster, whereas June can't help but earnestly liking everything, often approaching everything from a spacey and unexpected angle. Paul is the most cerebral of the three, and spends most of his time reconciling the other parties.

I'd rather focus on literary figures of both genders than politicians at all. Our currency seems to indicate that being a politician is more important than being a writer, artist, or scientist.

Yeah, the show indulges his worst instincts for one-note characters, but he's capable of great things.

It compares badly to the anything-goes Adam McKay era, but she was a regular Andy Kaufman when compared to the by-the-book templatework of Seth Meyers.

Mostly unrelated to Mira, about last episode of DLM:

I actually looked into the NYer issue which contained the famous pan by Kael of Stardust Memories ("Stardust Memories doesn't seem like a movie, or even like a filmed essay; it's nothing."), and there is nothing of the sort.

He was on a hot streak in the early 1990s, one that is mostly forgotten. Bullets Over Broadway is similarly terrific.

I have to agree here. Unlike the Bergman movies it apes, there's no life to the action here.

I think this is the first time I've heard somebody praise Anything Else.

Stardust Memories is 100% an 8 1/2 clone, but derivative or not, I really completely love it.


I probably like every single other song the Sherman Brothers wrote. But this one… yeah, I'm not sure what kind of person likes this one.

It's the kind of a movie that, to a seven-year old, feels like the greatest movie that can possibly exist.

I looked it up after writing this.


The best, of course, was Neemoy.

During the closing credits, the cartoon criminals would float across the screen or something.