
I didn't write this out in advance and I need to get to sleep so I'll just say I saw all of the following in a theater since last Sunday: Lawless; Vertigo in 70mm; Sydney; Boogie Nights; a new 35mm print of The Graduate (my second favorite film) on the UC Berkeley campus; my favorite film Magnolia.

First person to switch the gender in a paraphrase of his famous Sea of Love quote gets a kick in the face and no this doesn't count.

First person to switch the gender in a paraphrase of his famous Sea of Love quote gets a kick in the face and no this doesn't count.



I meant more so the Cigs & Red Vines account, your source for all things PTA.

I meant more so the Cigs & Red Vines account, your source for all things PTA.

August 21st. It wasn't listed. You have to harness the power of Twitter.

August 21st. It wasn't listed. You have to harness the power of Twitter.

@scott_tobias:twitter In your viewing of The Master, was the sound muddled a little? I saw it at the Castro in San Francisco and there were some moments I couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue. Though I was grateful for the 70mm advanced experience (and getting to meet Anderson briefly), part of my looking forward

@scott_tobias:twitter In your viewing of The Master, was the sound muddled a little? I saw it at the Castro in San Francisco and there were some moments I couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue. Though I was grateful for the 70mm advanced experience (and getting to meet Anderson briefly), part of my looking forward

R.I.P. He always seemed like a nice man. Way too young.

R.I.P. He always seemed like a nice man. Way too young.

It's a mighty big IF, but if I ever get married, I'm inviting you to my wedding, O'Neal.

It's a mighty big IF, but if I ever get married, I'm inviting you to my wedding, O'Neal.

Control-F "Neutr" — no results for Neutral Milk Hotel, hmmm.

Control-F "Neutr" — no results for Neutral Milk Hotel, hmmm.



Gritty reboot of Charlie's Angels but Terry's Cut Angels or something I don't know leave me alone I'll be in my bunk