The One Punch Machine Gun

Beware: Winter is Coming !!

Beware: Winter is Coming !!

Can someone tell me that how a Newbie can ever understand Arkham Asylum when even experts were having trouble deciphering it……..????

Can someone tell me that how a Newbie can ever understand Arkham Asylum when even experts were having trouble deciphering it……..????

You know what…..thats God's way of punishing a Non-Beiber fan going to a Beiber concert !!

You know what…..thats God's way of punishing a Non-Beiber fan going to a Beiber concert !!

I don't think that this movie is seriously better than Franco's Vampyros Lesbos ( you won't be able to take your eyes off Soledad Miranda) !

I don't think that this movie is seriously better than Franco's Vampyros Lesbos ( you won't be able to take your eyes off Soledad Miranda) !

You guys always raved about The Watchmen's and Daredevils director cut…but it seems you've forgotten them big time !!!

You guys always raved about The Watchmen's and Daredevils director cut…but it seems you've forgotten them big time !!!

Sometimes when me and my friends are tired of eating the same junk food at unhealthy fast-food joints….we decide to go on the Bear Grylls Diet.
That is to catch a goat…slit its throat, rip its eyes off, rip its guts off and even the tongue….toss it in a salad bowl and have it fresh hot piss !!!!

Sometimes when me and my friends are tired of eating the same junk food at unhealthy fast-food joints….we decide to go on the Bear Grylls Diet.
That is to catch a goat…slit its throat, rip its eyes off, rip its guts off and even the tongue….toss it in a salad bowl and have it fresh hot piss !!!!

Mika's Lollipop !!!!

Mika's Lollipop !!!!

Say whatever…….Hellboy 2 was better than The Dark Knight…PERIOD !!!!

One thing I always wondered was what did Scarlett Johannson whispered in Bill Murray's ear in the end of Lost In Translation….will they meet again or not ?

I loved the Skeletons dancing in Hey Boy Hey Girl……

And just when the Indians were traumatized by ASHTON KUTCHER…..here comes THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL !!!!   WOOHOOOOO !!!!!

I just saw a miniscule Spiderman in the above pic……hehe !

Just when the Indians were relieved that Outsourced was done with………..Here comes  ASHTON !!!!