you could also say that Bobby's yearning is a kind of misplaced nostalgia, just like Tony's yearning for the "better days" of the mob and his reverance for his dad.
you could also say that Bobby's yearning is a kind of misplaced nostalgia, just like Tony's yearning for the "better days" of the mob and his reverance for his dad.
you could also say that Bobby's yearning is a kind of misplaced nostalgia, just like Tony's yearning for the "better days" of the mob and his reverance for his dad.
Catelyn Stark gets a lot of hate?
Catelyn Stark gets a lot of hate?
Tony does care about other people, just not that much. And obviously he has remorse since the ghosts of Pussy and Adriana haunt him for much of the series.
Tony does care about other people, just not that much. And obviously he has remorse since the ghosts of Pussy and Adriana haunt him for much of the series.
Making the ending to the Sopranos into some bullshit plot point from Lost is pretty goddamn aggravating.
Making the ending to the Sopranos into some bullshit plot point from Lost is pretty goddamn aggravating.
Comparing the cut to black to Adriana's death is just stupidity.
Comparing the cut to black to Adriana's death is just stupidity.
True, but I still feel that he still has a chance at redemption, especially now with Tony (probably) dead and much of the NJ mob in ruins.
True, but I still feel that he still has a chance at redemption, especially now with Tony (probably) dead and much of the NJ mob in ruins.
I feel like combing through every detail to find foreshadowing cheapens the show. The foreshadowing is really obvious, especially in season six- Tony is heading to his doom,
I feel like combing through every detail to find foreshadowing cheapens the show. The foreshadowing is really obvious, especially in season six- Tony is heading to his doom,
what up Alan! Ha, I made a comment about your podcast further up the page and I didn't even realize you were here!
what up Alan! Ha, I made a comment about your podcast further up the page and I didn't even realize you were here!
I kind of like AJ by the end because he turns into a pretty redeemable human, which is pretty amazing compared to the rest of the cast.
I kind of like AJ by the end because he turns into a pretty redeemable human, which is pretty amazing compared to the rest of the cast.
I listen to the podcast a lot and there's plenty of shows Dan is enthusiastic or at least patient with that Alan completely dismisses. Dan actually likes Vampire Diaries for god's sake! Alan also isn't a big fan of Downton Abbey and I'm pretty sure Dan enjoys it.
I listen to the podcast a lot and there's plenty of shows Dan is enthusiastic or at least patient with that Alan completely dismisses. Dan actually likes Vampire Diaries for god's sake! Alan also isn't a big fan of Downton Abbey and I'm pretty sure Dan enjoys it.