
It's hard to convince somebody you're not a robot, while using a computer.
I was considering throwing in some spelling errors.

Really Terrific Read
I agree with this A- minus. Terrific.


I always want to like him, just because of that episode arch in Scrubs. He killed in that.
Too bad he's only in straight up terrible projects…its hard to keep redeeming him.

-Seth Rogan
-Antonio Banderas

With geeks become hip…
Are Jocks the new nerd?

Best Movie with Simon Pegg in it?
I'm going to say Hot Fuzz.

Has anybodys career…
Gone quite as sideways as Eddie Murphys?

Kevin Smith
Would call this a "Flick"

This Movie
Used to scare the shit out of me.

My favorite was blonde and busty 4.


Hahah, sorry Neckbeard. Couldn't resist.

The Looks was a damn fine CD. I like to drive fast with it on.

+1 for Bing dying.

I hope he speaks Vietnemese, or else no one will understand what he's saying.

I love Das Racist + OFWKTA. I making a remix of Tyler rapping on the track track "Bastard" over the beat from "You Oughta Know"

I always feel like he'd be an excellent writer for a late-night talk show.

In Rainbows
Kid A
Ok Computer
The King of Limbs
Hail to the Thief

I am also 12.