
Great tax breaks ?

This trailer is so dense that light bends around it.

Yeah but think of the additional merchandise sales !

Is changing man a guy who is really into fashion ?

Happy thanksgiving you genocidal imperialist american pigs !

Let's not jump to conclusions she could play Wozniak .

I always said they should do a Man who wasn't here with the material ….

We love you Natalie !

That what's kickstopper.com is for. If you reach the 3 000 dollars threshold a team is sent to "take care" of the issue …

I don't know let me ask Doug Benson.

The charges were possession of a snuff film ? I saw mel gibson soul die during the second act …

"So we developped a new kind of 3D where you need to wear the goggles, a bib for the vomit and a pair of adult diapers. Ticket price is 40 dollars"

I liked it better when Tom Scharpling did it .

Especially not Coach, who likes this guy ?

The hybridinosaur is the D-Rex for Diablosaurus-Rex and is a mix of T Rex, Raptor, snake and cuttlefish.

But if you can create defined raptor characters you can sell more individual toys !

Actually it's an early trailer so they haven't dubbed the raptor voicies in yet. There is all kinds of witty banter between Pratt and them.

We don't use lions and tigers and komodo dragons to hunt other animals for us though. Or at least not to my knowledge. We only use dogs for that .

According to the scratch marks on the wall my scientific opinion is that the new hybrid dinosaur is actually the wolverine.

The Kayaking around dinosaurs also seemed retardedly dangerous.