
Two and a half men went for some sort of half assed anti adoption message this week.

I want to sincerely congratulate the reviewer for not using the term " bottle episode ".

I thought the series was better than his stand up, but not as good as his 6music radio show. Can't wait to see his movie though.

On the one hand I want to defend because he is black but on the other I want to destroy him because he is a man …


He took a long sabbatical pretending to be a black musician. There is a half boring documentary about it.

I read Gwar is creating a line of sextoys next.

Directed by Jim Jarmush

I like that he kinda refered to him in the third person up there.

I thought it was people confused him Vsevolod Vitalievich Vishnevsky

Have a second video with people dressed like gwar abusing them and it is mine.

Hey cool guys you look like cool guys vaping and everything. Do you need some weeed ?

Stand up comedian Ian Ellis is gearing up to recorded his second album Recovery: No excuses, No apologies and he is looking for your support to help raise funds for a theater, promotion, and distribution.

Another male gets a TV show ! Great job !

or sex with your mom.

If anyone is interested in my old junk I'll be sitting on my porch sunday morning.

I fell asleep during the second one and will try to watch all of them as a trilogy. I feel great rage everytime I here the names Katniss and Peeta though. Those are stupid names.

Wow WOw Woah ! What about all the offensive patronising towards tech people in this article ! Like the author feels all superior about his/her "creative jobs" . Some of my best friends are tech people ! Why do you want to discriminate against them and make them feel different and inferior to the norm ?

Fat Mac as Drax.

I don't want to meet the guy who discovered that one.