
I tried to watch it this week given all the amount of hype this show gets around here ( particularly how it is compared to Gotham) but I still don't find the appeal. The show and effects don't look good or polished and there is an overall sense of cheapness that I don't like.

I find it mean from the interviewers that they put a huge E.T. poster behind her. She is not responsible for the failings of her plastic surgeon.

Deezer all the way up in this !

Wake me up if they cast Gus Fring in this.

There is an actor named Hannibal Baraka ?

Is he too late to save the show ?

I'm neutral on Aaron Sorkin mainly because I suspect that if I could write like him I'd also be an insufferable douche instead of the mild mannered idiot I am right now.

What on earth is a chicken fried steak ?

My paper helicopter was stylish but not succesful.

Wood, wet, support , there is a joke in there somewhere …
when you get wood and go somewhere wet be careful not to have to pay child support ?

Jarvis Cocker ? but i hardly know kim !

Duly noted Kristopher. You'll be receiving your spam mail and intersticial targeted ads shortly.

Why can't the villain be a woman for once ?

Another male villain, way to go Hollywood !

Now that have come to think of it sometimes I fell asleep during the cosby show and when I woke up my pants were down and I had no idea what happened.

He is pretty bland here too. I had completely forgotten about him and was wondering if Justing Long was going to make another cameo.

Why would you use a ruler to hang up a shelf ?

I am of the same opinion , with the difference that I don't really care for Damon Wayans and don't find him very funny.

He didn't only 'rape her. He raped her "in a patchwork robe"` .

So another white male for the role of Starlord ? Bravo Hollywood !