
one is milk, one is water, the other one says "OUT OF ORDER"

Proust wasn't very interested in breasts.

Proust wasn't very interested in breasts.

Having breast far apart is a very upperclass thing.

Having breast far apart is a very upperclass thing.

Can I start a sitcom based on your life ?

I'd just would like him to bring his merry band of BBC6 sycophants back, superposh Rufus, Sammy from the North, tiny Dan, Banker Harry …

I'd just would like him to bring his merry band of BBC6 sycophants back, superposh Rufus, Sammy from the North, tiny Dan, Banker Harry …

Maybe a good  way to show how the news covered the events in Egypt wrong would have been for Will to point out how the people in Tahir Square looked like well fed muslim extremist and not desperate modern youth as the erstwhile commentary showed … The liberal gettings wet over those quatari funded movements that are

Maybe a good  way to show how the news covered the events in Egypt wrong would have been for Will to point out how the people in Tahir Square looked like well fed muslim extremist and not desperate modern youth as the erstwhile commentary showed … The liberal gettings wet over those quatari funded movements that are

Flagged for racism.

Flagged for racism.

I really expected the gossip journalist to point out that laughable part of Will's speech.

I really expected the gossip journalist to point out that laughable part of Will's speech.

Yeah I'd like to see her get her flesh out .

Yeah I'd like to see her get her flesh out .

Sex with Citric's mom ?

Sex with Citric's mom ?

Spoiler Alert :

Spoiler Alert :