
We gave Michael Moore the Palme d'Or. That's how much we love you folks !

Comment ?

And with horrible grammar at that : "va sucer les seins de ta mère" would be the accurate way of putting it.

Lol you said TACKLE

2 points

Dujardin started by doing sketch comedy. Pretty awful sketch comedy if you ask me.

First time I saw him (namely in Face Off ) I remember thinking he was the worst actor ever and could only achieve two expressions ( manic and puzzled).

HA !  You liked "Bulletproof" ! Nerd !

Actually two of Karl's ideas turned into Hollywood movies.

Your momma knows who shot first, and who shot second and who shot third  ….

Merchant had a very funny solo radio show on BBC6Music.

I wouldn't mind giving her my MPDG ( My Powerful DonG (tm) )

And hopefully dies !

What about the Camemberts ?

ANOTHER movie where someone teaches Carrell how to approach women during a party ? What can Oswalt say to him that Gosling and Paul Rudd didn't already say ?

Just using this space to have a wank. Don't mind me.

Getting close to Madonna must be hard, can he pull it off ?

I hope she doesn't confuse him with a beautiful stranger.


Madonna is a bit old to be stalked, personally i like a virgin.