
Your mom doesn't !

From the interview : "I’m back in the stand up octagon after a year off. I’m deeply inspired by various artists I admire. "
Winning !

Hey I snarked on Dane Cook in that article too ! I want my spa weekend, (or at least its cash equivalent )

More like "The secret circle jerk" !

Next week : 'Best music to have anal sex' . Cover your ears , kiddos !

Why so yellow ?

I'd vote for him if he makes out with Al Gore.

Hyden is pissed Obama didn't sing a tribute to Dawes !

We love Obama and here is why you should too !

*your mom joke*

The CEO of Mega Upload is a former credit card fraudster and fat german all around good egg it turns out ! Look forward to hearing his defense !

Email can be traced to easily.  Regular mail piracy is where it's at bro !

More like SkyMallan ! Heh !

Behrs was totally hot, and surprisingly stacked, in her pyjama scene . I suspect the show to try and hide her boobage to accentuate the contrast with Dennings.

Me too, and by that I mean I want to lynch the people who made this show.

"I’d still love to liberate Dennings and Behrs and put them in a better sitcom, but I’m enough of a realist to know that will never, ever happen."
I also sometimes refer to my bed as "a sitcom" . Lots of cringe humor and canned reactions going on there …

Dawes does not believe in elections.

His new song " I'm fucking rich " may be used as an anthem for the 1%.

Hamm : I got Podcasts to go to !

Your mom !