
If you can't rely on pinky swearing what can you trust ?

So David is trying to land a gig at HBO ?

Tommy Saxondale !


Just put her back in the coffin this time please.

Jesse Eisenberg cooks meth in this one.

Full Metal Jackoff, Imma let you finish.

This show is great if you want to learn which celebrity has the richest and poorest friends.

Plus one on the love for Generation Kill, I went through the series at least five times now … The non glamorising / non demonising of war is just superb.

Is the last QI series worth it ? The show started to be a bit grating for me last season …

You should not force your kid to watch Ponyo.

The producers guild is hard pressed to say which movie is best, but they can for sure safely name which upcoming starlet sucks most.



It is a very hypnotic screencap

Your VAGINA is showing !

That girl is so fragile and thin skinned …

Man who first showed everyone X-Men Origins: Wolverine gets one year in prison, director gets life.

Hated the finale, didn't like the season much either. Not because of Rudy who was ok but because I thought the writing got more lazy ( mainly because of the Alisha Simon arc ). Misfits used to be about subverting superhero/horror/scifi tropes, it seemed that this season they went the easy route …

I saw "
Is it just me or would DD and Dana make the perfect pair? " and thought she was reviewing a porn movie.