
Need = need for money

Actually now that I think about it, it's probably more a parody of the fad movies that always come out (like You got Served, Rad etc) green lighted by corporate execs to appeal to young people who are interested in it (Dancing, BMX racing) rather than necessarily a SNF parody. In any case it's amusing.

The Streaker Sketches
aren't that great to me. They are making fun of Saturday Night Fever for one, and that movie is an absolute classic IMO. Also what's the joke really? That that movie blew the importance of Disco dancing out of proportion when it was only a silly fad like "Streaking"?

Most comedies look terrible in commercials though. Usually you have to wait for the reviews.

Also it has a great performance from Joaquim de Almeida, the Portuguese Phil Hartman

To Be Fair
They deserve to be paid. That show makes a lot of money, costs almost nothing to make, and the only reason people care is because of the people on it and their chemistry.