Anal Goat or GTFO!
Anal Goat or GTFO!
Fuck you The Killing
As I said earlier, a phrase from The Power and the Glory provided me a title for my dissertation. Anyone reading Greene or Lowry for Mexico would enjoy Rosario Castellanos (Mexico's greatest female author) work. I have my students starting Book of Lamentations next week.
And her knockers
I have Mazower's Hitler's Empire on the shelf as an auxiliary with The Kindly Ones.
Homer: the Blind Archaeologist?
Can I get her phone number?
You are wrong about The Exorcist: great book AND great film
"When I first saw that pole of Sonny's and realized he was going to stick inside of me, I yelled bloody murder…After the first year, my insides felt as mushy as macaroni boiled for over an hour. When I heard he was going to stick it in other girls, I went to church and lit a candle."
Good stuff. True story brah: the title of my dissertation is a phrase from Greene's Power and the Glory!
I prefer The Very Persistence of Fapping with Grip
wanna be Justified
Hard to watch as in: poorly acted, overdramatic, faux darkness, etc. etc.
That "pussy is the whole enchilada" shit is the perfect example of why this show is such shit. Everybody knows that "tacos" are a metaphor for pussy.
Yes, Al, it is me. That was a bloodbath last fall. We lost many comrades.
Ha. Before @Anal_Goat, I was @Son_of_Dad! once a jerk, always a jerk.
Yes, the Mule and his Clown, and the Mexican puta that bangs them both down in Acuña.
I found your mom, however, to be "quite penetrable."