
I think Glee, as a show, doesn't really understand the concept of "earning" things or how one goes about it. It's not a recent thing, either. Quinn maintains a 4.0 GPA through a pregnancy and a brief homeless period, but getting into Yale isn't shown as something she earned so much as something she got. It's the

You know you're just gonna end up going back to it…

I have to say, all things considered, Santana was surprisingly chill about the whole
"my girlfriend posted our private sex tape on the internet just to
passive-aggressively prove a point about my aspirations for fame" thing.  I mean, I like when they show Brittany as having a bit more going on, but that seemed pretty

I was gonna ask you to replace the "Straight guys, talkin' 'bout' Glee" segment with "Gay girls, talkin' 'bout Glee," so we could still talk about how hot the girls are.  Then I remembered that gay girls don't get a point of view.  That's what I learned from watching Glee.

I think one of the biggest problems with this episode was pacing.  I feel like too much time passed between Finn yelling at Santana in the hallway and her finding out about the campaign ad, and she didn't seem especially shaken during the intervening scenes, so it just seemed weird.  For most kids in high school,

I actually didn't have that much of a problem with the editing in the first part of "Fix You."  To me, Emma's story for the episode was kind of about how, sometimes, seeing your parents makes you feel like a little kid again, especially if they still treat you like a kid.  I think that's why she had kind of a relapse