
She was eerily January Jones-ish in the role. Hurried, almost slurred line readings in a breathy voice.

You wanna talk about aggressive symbolism related to furniture this season? FUCKING DOORS. Endless scenes ending with someone closing a door, followed by a cut to someone opening one somewhere else. Not to mention the variations on  "Close the  door.": "Do you want me to close the door?" "Could you close the door?"

Is it brilliantly ironic or ironically brilliant that Peggy has become the closest thing to a routine pothead in this series?

Well in fact, Keith my DARLING, Ol Parker wrote the screenplay - - - the novel ITSELF (but oh how I know this was just an error on your lovely part, and not an attempt to suppress the Feminine Influence - - - no, never you, Keith, NEVAH YEW) was penned by Deborah Moggach. Say the name out loud. Let it dust out the

Also, their GOOD FRIEND Quinn was cripplingly and perhaps permanently injured in a car crash, but only like, a week later the club had mostly gotten over it and was letting Artie do all the emotional grunt work in regards to helping Quinn adjust, while these diva bitches collectively spend two months of their senior

Unseen texts: "Are you something from out of my toilet? 'Cause you're making me flush! ;)" "Haha, we're nexting each other! Like necking each other, get it? :D" "I'll kill you if you don't return my love. Call me!"

It's working sweet stuff. Now poach me an egg and call me Betty.

Speaking of Bert, has his return to SCDP been addressed by the show this season? I remember he made a seemingly definite departure when the sky was falling towards the end of last season, but then he was back again in 5X01 without comment.

I like to imagine an ultimately excised fourth version of the
day’s events that focuses on Lane and Joan spending all afternoon running
around the office trying to find an empty room where they can hook up (without
being caught by Bert, who  repeatedly walks in on them just as they’re about to get

Also: Ryan Shay managed to devolve all the way back into the 1960's.

Peggy and Joan have earned the right to enjoy a little blood sport, even if it's just by hearing it through the wall.

Angelica claims another host. Feed, my beloved high priestess of the midnight sun. Feed.

Those fingers. That hair. The look. Huston.

We need to talk about Kevin. Or we did. Bye, Greg! Here's to more office Joan, maybe without Roger interference for at least a few episodes.

Yes, it's definitely that, and not the unnecessary name-calling and easy generalizations. Carry on, 'Bitch Hunter', and may your reign last for a thousand decades.

I fear Gerwig has been gifted with the Mcadams (anti) role.

Hey Noel, for some reason the AV Club has the last three episodes listed as all being episode 7 of the 1st season. Much as I love the idea of NBC presenting its viewers with three alternate timelines for the show to pursue (one based around the rehearsal room, one based around characters flailing around in a bed while

I accept this as an alternate timeline version.

I could never negotiate 4chan.

Perhaps control was the wrong word. I feel like in sharing the prayer with Michael, the father is tying himself to his son's fate. Not a bad thing by any means.