
PLEASE. The Rutherford versions were good for her unstoppable jowls and that endlessly catchy theme tune, but in the end, it's Joan Hickson or nothing. In fact, Disney should just purchase the copyright for all the Hickson adaptations and air those. The younger demographic will flock to that no-nonsense demeanor which

From the trenches
I thought the brief Brittany/Santana moment was a gesture towards the continuity that you (justifiably) keep clamouring for. I may be misremembering your write-up from last week, but didn't your enjoyment of the Santana/Brittany subplot come with the caveat that it might be dropped until the writers

Well that's precisely what I said to Mabel. And she wouldn't have ANY of it. I guess some people are just different.

Simon, this review is awash in typos. If you are to strike down "V", strike with the full-fledged power of the unmarred English language!*

I accept the shame. My life was once a cherry basket. Now, it is as stripped of ripeness as this show is stripped of potential for my heart. HOUND ME 2 THE GRAVE GLEE

godammit DIGIFREAK U HOMOPHOBE. Canceraids, etc.

If Kurt and the vague jock live together, why doesn't chunky hot guy ask his housemate over to decorate a christmas tree with their mutual choir friends? Knowing this show, that'll become an issue fifteen episodes from now. "It's just like last christmas, when you didn't

If Kurt and the vague jock live together, why doesn't chunky hot guy ask his housemate over to decorate a christmas tree with their mutual choir friends? Knowing this show, that'll become an issue fifteen episodes from now. "It's just like last christmas, when you didn't

For she attempts tears At Night
Jules wants more than a "thank you" for her efforts to articulate a sentence which requires her cheeks to stretch back above the cheekbone! Say "I love you" (or, if you are in repressive company, mouth it), and note how your face wrinkles in the ascent from the "ve" to the "y". Jules