
Oh so maybe that's why with all these damn things, the release dates come first, so they can force a production start date by a particular, er, date.

It's definitely weird, but that's what the tentpole movie game has become.

Also didn't Obama actually do a couple of things? Kicked out some diplomats, closed some diplomatic locations, a sanction or two, and also something cyber-y just recently revealed?

Clint kept answering really quickly and it got kind of aggravating after a while.

Doc Hammer has a band called Weep, but according to Wiki their last album was 3 years ago, so who knows if it's still a going concern.

Is that from The Limey?

At least David Icke's bonkers conspiracy theories involved something sort of X-Files-y like lizard people…

Holy fuck, 25?

They just designated him for assignment, so he's going to have plenty of time to do it.

@q_pa:disqus didn't capitalize properly— Heston's actually fucking a DVD of the movie Ghost.

That's how I read it at first, like "wait, Giles died and then formed a band?" but then rethought it a moment later as the rest of the sentence fell into place. I'd also never heard of the earlier band, which didn't help.

If Brzezinski did not actually have a face-lift, can she sue for slander or defamation or something?

That still sounds like too much exercise. Can he use a golf cart?

No, right, I know… the </sarcasm> tag was implied…

"'He didn't shit all over himself and fling it all over the walls and ceiling,' one person familiar with the meeting said. 'It was actually a really good, a really good meeting.'"

Well, maybe we can just move the base to Saudi Arabia. What could possibly go wrong?

"Giles, Giles, And Fripp" is apparently a band, not a law firm, but it does make it tough to parse out the sentence on first reading. Adding an 'earlier' before 'psychedelic' helps a little.

That aside, why not just take one of those previous 14 and hang it on the wall instead of going the incompetent-fakery-with-a-side-of-lawsuit-risking-copyright-infringement route?

I won't lie, that final scene (assuming you mean the montage with "Heroes" playing over it) got to me.

Right, because the health care system was so much better before the ACA.