
How much could a banana cost? Ten dollars?

Again, this is not an audition for a CBS procedural.

Again, this is not an audition for a CBS procedural.

When did Meg White become a redheaded actress?

When did Meg White become a redheaded actress?

What part of donkey dick don't you understand, ass kisser?

What part of donkey dick don't you understand, ass kisser?

Buster has the….high fastening pants.

Buster has the….high fastening pants.

Look at us! Crying like a couple of girls.

Look at us! Crying like a couple of girls.

We just call it a sausage.

We just call it a sausage.



Here's an idea for Sportscenter: Less Tim Tebow, more Cam Newton.

Here's an idea for Sportscenter: Less Tim Tebow, more Cam Newton.

I'm no wubstep fan, but I've watched that video on youtube at least 20 times. Everything works. Dave Porter knows what he's doing, and that scene is just killer. The music only adds to its greatness.

I'm no wubstep fan, but I've watched that video on youtube at least 20 times. Everything works. Dave Porter knows what he's doing, and that scene is just killer. The music only adds to its greatness.

As someone who lost a parent to suicide, I can not like this post enough. Well written.