
"…that's right, your wife is dead….I'm sorry, that was 100% inappropriate and I do apologize profusely. I do apologize profusely, I'm - oh… "

I believe this is officially called "Judy Greer-itis"

I believe this is officially called "Judy Greer-itis"

Wait a second. Are we making The Love Guru jokes here? I think Deepak Chopra might have something to say about that.

Wait a second. Are we making The Love Guru jokes here? I think Deepak Chopra might have something to say about that.

"Try appealing to the FDOTUS. That's more his jurisdiction"

"Try appealing to the FDOTUS. That's more his jurisdiction"

It might be the only reason actually worth subscribing to Showtime for. Shameless isn't bad, but Homeland is in a league of its own on that channel.

It might be the only reason actually worth subscribing to Showtime for. Shameless isn't bad, but Homeland is in a league of its own on that channel.

You mean its Aziz Ansari's little cousin Harris? I hear this is his new favourite after Burn Notice.

You mean its Aziz Ansari's little cousin Harris? I hear this is his new favourite after Burn Notice.

@FuriousGiorge:disqus I think that's what its called when Vargo Hoat does the audiobook.

@FuriousGiorge:disqus I think that's what its called when Vargo Hoat does the audiobook.

I love the smell of dracarys in the morning. Smells like…burning warlock.

I love the smell of dracarys in the morning. Smells like…burning warlock.

"I am Daenerys Targaryen! BOOMSHAKALAKA!"

"I am Daenerys Targaryen! BOOMSHAKALAKA!"

Sansa just doesn't trust anyone. She's starting to learn that everyone has their own agendas and no one is truly looking out for her so she just hides behind a veil of courtesy.

Sansa just doesn't trust anyone. She's starting to learn that everyone has their own agendas and no one is truly looking out for her so she just hides behind a veil of courtesy.

I wasn't too sure on him as Stannis either until that look in his eye when he was strangling Melisandre. He completely won me over with that one look.