Bryan S

If you drop that first "U", your story takes on frightening connotations.

You know, The AV Club turned into a Chan discussion board so gradually I didn't even notice.

And if we're doing unusual superheros this week (and I fully second Electric Dragon) can we talk about how Scanners is basically Cronenberg doing a pared-down X-Men.

Really, the best way to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the movie is this:

It's a thin line between those ponies and lolicon.

"Comedy Is Hard, Dying Is Easy"

Hell, I'm still mad about Viva Variety and Strip Mall.

There is one scene I can point to when discussing the extinguished brilliance of that show: Jon Benjamin, dressed as a Hassidic Jew, recreating the fisting scene from "Cruising".

They'll need the blood of a virgin for that. Which explains Rabin's sudden departure.

Despite the image, I can't recall all that many Prince Clan videos that could be banned or relegated to late night hours. "Nasty Girl" is the most risque one I can think of, and that's as much for the lo-fi VHS porn aesthetic as the lingerie.

You expect me to believe that that uncostumed banana peel is Gerald Ford?

Some people preferred Jack Nicholson… Some went for Bruce Dern… But I've always maintaned that William Devane was the….

*wait for it*

*wait for it*

*wait for it*

AV Club should be reviewing Nathan for You.

If anything, a more appropriate dismissal of Jeselnik would be that he's ALL charisma and timing, and not much else.

Lewis Black show was mediocre, only a notch above Chocolate News. Sportsdome was underrated, but doomed to never attract an audience: how do you market a sports comedy which largely seethes with hatred for sports culture?

I recommend the haunted house episode, if you can watch only one.

I actually thought Schaal and Eichner were the worst panel. The two are too buddy-buddy and into each-other. You need to have some fire with that ice.

You know what? I'm not sure how many of you intended this to be a call-back to his "flub" on Jeselnik's show….


That's why I plan to peel my shadow off in strips.