
We have other people making good work? Or is Nadine Labaki awful?

You know, I've never understood the line of thinking that goes: I'm of this race, and I want somebody of my race doing great work. Arabic culture hadn't had anyone of substantial talent (that I know of) for ten, fifteen years until Nadine Labaki showed-up, and even she doesn't compare to some of the people doing work

I'm not sure if you're trying to come across as funny, but you do come across as a spoiled brat with ownership issues.

Nope. You're all alone.

> the idea of Amy and Rory raising their grandchild, almost like a substitute for the years they never had with River, is sort of icky.

I love River. I never got all the hate.
She's certainly better than a certain ROSE…

"I'd do you, Six. Sexy Sexy Six. An explosion in a rainbow factory. I've got an explosion for you. Right here. In my pants."

She's pretty hot, actually. A total MILF.

God, I hate Rose.

"The End of the World" is cartoonish and silly, but it has a nice idea driving it. "Unicorn and the Wasp" was silly, though, and felt like a Scooby Doo marriage to Agatha Christie.

It still boggles my mind how a season that has something as excellent as "The Empty Child" or "Dalek" can have the three Slitheen episodes. "Midnight" and "Silence in the Library" share a season with "Unicorn and the Wasp", "Girl in the Fireplace" and "Impossible Planet" with "Love & Monsters". Even series 5 had

The End of Time and Wasp were godawful. They weren't even camp, they were just terrible.

"Aliens of London," "World War III," "Boom Town" and "The Unicorn and the Wasp" are among the worst episodes of Doctor Who - all in seasons that contained greats such as "The Empty Child", "The Doctor Dances", "Dalek", "Silence in the Library", "Forest of the Dead" and "Midnight" - the last being penned by the same

Fair enough, though - again - that kind of person *does* exist in real life, and that person *does* get the girl, sometimes. Which makes Lee a bit less of a cartoon, I think.

That's a noticeable trend on the internet. I'm surprised at the number of people who want things to end on a dark note. My favourite ends are always bittersweet, but I won't refuse a happy ending when it's earned.

In a way, this was the show's worst episode. The script was too broad, needed some tightening and re-used too many ideas from the previous episodes. Don't get me wrong - it's still great and brilliantly written TV, but I always thought it'd have benefited from a more minimal approach and a quick re-write or two.

Oh, you got him good Fourchan. Your trolling's about as original and funny as your username.

Big Finish
McGann is great on the Big Finish audio stories. "The Chimes of Midnight", written by Robert Shearman (who wrote Nine's episode "Dalek"), is a great story. The Eighth Doctor was good when the let him be - something that, sadly, neither the script nor the director of the Doctor Who Movie were willing to do.

Brent's hiring process
I actually do know a professor whose hiring process isn't different to Brent's. We're talking about a man who spends most of class inappropriately (attempting, but failing at) flirting with pretty girl students, who spends 30 minutes in his office joking with them and half-assedly explaining

Oh, and eggs
I never got what was so funny about that egg. Was it just how he bit it, or is there something about Scotch eggs and being content that I'm missing here? (Sorry for starting two discussions like this!)