so all of them?
so all of them?
Yeah his casual awfulness was something to behold.
I'll of course watch it anyhow. I wonder if any critics who handed out those high scores have watched anything past the first 2-6 episodes they get for review? Because every single one of the Marvel shows on Netflix has real issues, that start around episode 4-5 usually. The per episode quality swings wildly. …
That's an extremely high bar.
That movie is RIDICULOUS. it's insanely entertaining, but yeah it's not good.
I now hate those ads .01% less.
fuck that shit.
No one said O'Neal was a benevolent god. He is immovable as the mountain, intangible as the wind, ineffable as the tide. You cannot comprehend His infinite wisdom. He said to the comments section "FLY OUT!" And behold, this Newswire comments section was born.
Every time he tries to make this, I keep thinking he's going to die.
Still no answer to why the hell does it take so long to get on streaming?
He was in a bunch of direct to vid actioners in the 90s. The one where he teaches capoeira is the only one I remember.
I would argue Pain & Gain has it's moments but still would not qualify as a good movie.
Well, he double dared you motherfucker. What did you think was going to happen?
nice try sugartits.
He was better and more natural in this than anything else I've seen him in.
Rumor has it it looks like the back of Ice Cube's head circa 1990.
you'd think after 70 years on this earth he'd have learned how to buy a suit that fucking fits.