scortius the charioteer

The frozen kind was great. It didnt melt like a slurpee.

My last time was due to pizza hut about 5 years ago. I haven't eaten at one since. I wanted to die that first day. As soon as I was able I went over to the pizza hut and asked for a refund and the manager ashed why I didn't call sooner, I told him to give me my money and go fuck himself. Kind of hard to call when

Food poisoning is sexy as hell. If you can take care of someone who's dealing with it and still be attracted to them sexually, you're a good person.

Were you firing out of both ends simultaneously?

Rewatched 80's "classic" Gotcha, the gender politics of which might be the least offensive part. Although it is fun to watch pre bald Anthony Edwards dodge stereotypes all over Berlin and LA.

Pretty ok, watched movies all day saturday on the couch, went to Universal Studios Hollywood yesterday and had hot butterbeer for the first time. It was quite tasty. Like someone melted butterscotches.

White guy is miserable in a small town because of his awful past. Join us while he wallows. No thanks.

Anyone else manage to get Midnight Oil tickets?

You guessed it, the culprit is merry prankster Frank Stallone

He's too busy trying to kill Lego Batman.


He's been around since 90210.

I believe that faction is called the Logjammin' Republicans.


Is there anything that isn't improved by the presence of Machete?

yeah and they were co-producing that with BBC. Got the series on Bluray a couple years ago for 15 bucks a season with a gift card. It still looks incredible.

Wow it only took IMDB 15 years to do that.

Yeah if we can now get a thinkpiece on dumb reactionary liberal snark maybe the internet will divide by zero. BTW I consider myself a progressive and am sick of the tone a lot of us take which is doing no one any good.

I am a huge fan of both those bands. And now this fuckface is really pissing me off.

Is this just the AV Club now? I mean I know many people can't remember that we actually had a president before Obama. Also, pointing out their hypocrisies like every other Facebook post your one liberal retired aunt makes means fuck all to them. They aren't even playing the same sport you are and haven't been for