Fuck your regret, you made that shitty comment now live with it. No hard feelings, I just hate that song so much.
Fuck your regret, you made that shitty comment now live with it. No hard feelings, I just hate that song so much.
28 comments in and no one has yet mentioned their upcoming collaboration album, Arnold Palmer.
Prince did not hire ain't shit people, that's for sure. He did not fuck around when it came to the music.
that song will never not be garbage. The generic horn part, the middling solo that could've been done by anyone, and I cannot stand the way Rob Thomas sings, it's as if he's vomiting up lyrics.
I miss that show, that was one of my favorites. Also where my love for Faizon Love grew and grew. Big Worm is awesome.
I find the idea of cable sleeves better than the actual sleeves. Because anytime a cable wrapped up in one of those things goes bad, replacing it fucking sucks.
The Loki as Cap bit was hilarious.
In fairness to him, he probably got nice chunk of change.
First Avenger might be my favorite of the MCU Phase 1.
or anything starring Marvelous Marvin Hagler.
The best things about the Thor movies are the little throwaway gags like Loki as Cap, or Thor hanging Mjolnir on the coat rack. Thor is a deeply silly character and they should embrace that a bit more. I think Hemsworth is definitely up for it.
The only drawback is the obvious Fake Rock Ridge studio backlot they filmed the entire last 2/3 of the movie on. In fairness, a Thor movie must've seemed like a huge gamble at the time.
the 80s is rife with cheesy sword and sandal flicks that are so made for this.
He is the posse.
Mick Foley came out of that scene too.
that sucks, he's incredible. I though the album before that was brilliant as well.
Rumor has it he also hates mondays, and loves lasagna.
also the Keytar.
fair point.