scortius the charioteer

That's a lot of sliders

Wa da taa.

I enjoy Thievery Corp. Then I saw them live with 2 of the worst fake dancehall toasters, I've ever seen. It was fucking awful. Only saw them because they opened for Massive Attack.



Same here, I loved that song immediately. I like Arc of Bar, I give them credit for going there, that shit struts.

Pitchfork has some legit good reviewers, but too many of them spend too much time way up their own ass. There are a lot of good band who've never gotten their due from them, but it isn't like they need it.

Kai Winn?

any time.

I really like this, it's got it's standout tracks for sure, but I don't need it to be Celebration Rock. I already have and cherish the fuck out of that album. Cant wait to see them in march.

I love Tombstone, it is absolutely ridiculous fun and I'll watch it whenever it's on. Most of it only works if you think of it as an action movie.

And Andrew Davis went on to direct Chain Reaction… So there's that. I think in all the pop culture references to this movie, it's real quality has gotten a bit undersold. This is a cracking good piece of movie making. Ford is at his put upon Fordiest.

British Sea Power - Apologies to Insect Life
Japandroids - Fire's Highway
Tiger Army - True Romance
Street Dogs - Savin Hill
Herzog - Full Stick
Fear - I Love Livin' In The City
Cock Sparrer - Riot Squad
Le Tigre - Deceptacon

I read that in Frasier's radio voice. Kind of can't help it.

If it's good enough for The Rock…

Patricia Kies, she was quite good, this is back in like 93-94 somewhere around there.

You guessed it….Frank Stallone.

if i could just never see that guy again, it'd be great.

They also asked him to stop popping his cravat so they could take the picture.

Confirmed: That girl is poison.