scortius the charioteer

The most ridiculous of all ridiculous action hero names. Except for maybe Big McLargeHuge.

He and Mick Foley singlehandedly got me back into WWF in my 20s. When he moved on, I moved on again. He worked the mic and the crowd like nobody's business. He was absolutely the most ridiculous, magnetic thing I've ever seen. Shut your mouth Jabroni, it doesn't matter what your name is, go and get The Rock a soda.

Yeah I can't do podcasts anywhere but cleaning at home or driving. I've tried. I like to actually listen to them not just have them on in the background.

If you are Jim Norton, you can then start referring to their mother that way as well.

I have since I was a kid, but only a certain timbre of voices do it for me. Most of the tapping/crinkling stuff doesn't do much for me. Just the voice. It doesn't really matter what they're talking about to me, but I have 2-3 that I really like and I mostly just listen to them while I'm working. When I need to get

Agreed, but also semi realistic.

you get the gasface.

Super power is fire in his hands?

God he is just the greatest. Still so sharp.

Early? There will be almost 20 before Infinity War part one even comes out?

Perhaps. But his suit game is dynamite.

no no, you've got MITHC confused with Face Fuckers V.

The Himmler shit was like "Am I actively kind of rooting for Heinrich Fucking Himmler?"

Too bad. They were a shitty company but their tees are so comfy.

It's a cancer on our foreign policy.

I lost my team yesterday, so the NFL can go fuck itself, I've been conflicted for a few years now and this was the last straw. How many times are they going to fuck over fans and brain and limb damage their employees for money? The answer is EVERY TIME.

Hey we don't even learn all the verses to This Land is Your Land.

Yeah. I had to stop readin Chris Hedges before I murder suicide my family.

Israel is a cancer on this country. If you like it so much let's give our country back to the real Natives and we can all of us move to reservations. Then you'll have what we have with Israel.

try CSPAN in a couple days.