The Dark Hadou

He became the wolf due to an amulet, which Spider-Man helped him remove. Them after that, a different guy went on a space trip and Jameson helped wrestle him down and relax so he could get help. Then he had a backpack that shot fire (I think) but realized that there had to be a better way. Then my subscription ran out.

It's looks like they pulled a Twilight mannequin out of the bin and brought it to life.

His eyes are so soulful. Even though he's menacing on the outside, I am sure on the inside he is just a lost young man seeking a father figure or a hero to look up to.

I remember the evil truck and the evil Hoff, but the evil swashbuckling, garishly dressed yet handsomely bedeviling Earth-3 Hoff? I think one more episode is in order.

Sorry about the bad news, but as an AV Club reader since its Inception starring Leonardo DiCaprio, I have always found the journalistic standards to be high and always look forward to continued critiques and updates.

@sarCCastro: Tara…worst character ever or worst actor ever?

Sometimes you make choices, and sometimes choices make you. This phenomenon can be traced back to Soviet Russia.

Robot Jox…
…was indeed awesome. A lot of its awesomeness also had that Rocky feeling, especially at the end when the good dude saves the bad but not really bad and yet misunderstood dude.

@sarCCastro: I have watched every episode of True Blood, even that post-mortem crap, and I cannot imagine a world, nay, a universe, in which the word graceful and the show True Blood can come together without everything collapsing in on itself.

@Sycophants: It's only funny (and sad) because you see how out of touch politicians can be with the real world. I mean, this has probably been on Crist's mind for decades. He probably feels like he caved in to public pressure.

I knew this wood happen.

I have to say, even though you know Wesley will get the water, he did making punching things into a tricorder look pretty cool. It's one of the scenes I remember years later.

Sounds like a Tyler Perry movie.

@Agent Broyles

It should be called…
Alien: Stop Playin'

Looks like he failed to pull off one of his "Disappearing Acts."

It would be chilling to find how this story actually ends.

You are the worst human being I have never met. Lunch?

Does it star Kylie Wyote?

Mr. O'Neal, thanks for the update. It's a testament to the AV Club's talents that you have received a direct response.