Guys, that smile on The Good Place was freaky. For a second I thought it was CGI and the beginning of something.
We still don't know how Tahani died, do we?
Guys, that smile on The Good Place was freaky. For a second I thought it was CGI and the beginning of something.
We still don't know how Tahani died, do we?
Like to the most isolated capital city in the world? ;)
24C is what the government tells us to keep our air-cons at.
I've strongly defended YA here before. I'll do it again.
Across The AV Club, there's, perhaps unsurprisingly, quite a few librarians.
(I was not a librarian, because you need a qualification, but also worked in a library.)
"Noted dog-hater"?
I don't think I can respect his views anymore.
You had me at corn, lost me at pepper, got me curious again with celery, got me less curious with onion, and had me back again with tomatoes, but then spices put me off a bit.
Is that why we're not facebook friends?!? =(
You at least saved some of his body parts.
so basically you don't enjoy playing keepaway in any context =p
Oh wow, that sounds cool. There's a kind of similar place in South Australia, though the buses aren't open, but the giraffes do come up pretty close.
I had choux yesterday, but it was a pastry with raspberry cream and some lychee.
That sounds good though; I'm a fan of corn.
Wow, her wikipedia entry is impressive!
If Disqus bills itself as "a community of communities", what does that make us?
And now we know you're secretly rich, to be able to afford to maintain all those extra people.
What is your favourite movie theme song?
Who do you think is the most attractive soccer/football player?
What was the first meal you were proud of making properly as an adult?
Where is a place you've always wanted to have sex?
Which animal do you most enjoy seeing at the zoo (but not Berlin Zoo, because fuck that place) ?