Something Quirky

Happy Birthday, Unregistered Guy Named Eric!
I can guarantee your registration in our hearts!

Kenneth, you say the peecock.

He thanked half of you!

Cor blimey, cobber!

Okay, fine, I'm less annoyed that Donald Glover pulled out of Falls Festival to get to the Golden Globes in time. Besides, I met Ian from Modern Baseball and was front row for them. And discovered the awesomeness of Hot Dub Time Machine, who I would have missed if we were seeing Gambino.

I read Minus and Giant Days!

Thanks for the discussion (and alt-texts!), Carrie!

His person he got pregnant was pregnant during the filming of the season.

I feel like telling you would ruin it, though I suppose I've already ruined the shock of something happening. Though I'd seen someone on Instagram post that they cried, before I watched it, and I was still surprised. But maybe now that I've said that, you won't be surprised. Argh.

And you should; the first four episodes are great; the right balance of funny and emotional.
I completely turned on Ella after she broke Tom's things because he wouldn't have sex, but now I quite adore her. And Tom's the person that's made me emotional this season. Plus, the end of the first or second episode is just

You're welcome. And at least next time you have something serious to discuss with your parents, it won't be as daunting.

It's pretty impressive that you've been managing your job and grad school at the same time :)

Are they just Reece's shaped like pumpkins?
Where do you stand on the white chocolate peanut butter cups?

I just wanted to second that you should ease into anal, and any kink related play, otherwise you might get uncomfortable quickly. There's a lot out there for you to explore, so just make sure you're not pushed out of your comfort zone before you're ready. (I probably just made it sound less fun.)

I did not know frottage was an actual thing. I assumed Dan Savage made it up.

On the PewDiePie article, RepostedAvengedSevenfoldComments and RepostedCustomerReviews are having a discussion.

I follow them on Instagram. And there's going to be a banner of them at this week's game to try convince Alexis to resign.

What was with that vote by Ken? WTF is Sunday's?

That makes sense, especially with PLM, where you're never entirely sure what you're gonna get in an episode, and what emotions they'll tug on.