Something Quirky

And there was so much soot(?) on her hands that any cut would have been super irritated.

Without matches, that totally would have gone past 5 hours.

Especially since, after he got red within the first few minutes of being on Survivor, he didn't go and get the sunscreen they are provided to put on.

I think it's more that she was true to her word and put in the effort for five hours. (And no-one else did.)

It actually started with me playing your trivia game with them.
I did preface it by saying that Doc got all questions right, and by the end they thought she had some sort of google superpowers in her head. Though Brent did relatively well, and he and Hector combined for some of them.

Challenge accepted…?

I lol'd.

No problemo!

That's sad?

I guess his other show isn't happening?

That just tells us you haven't seen the last episode.

I used to play it.

Us getting the new commenting system sooner rather than later might be good for at least one reason - the earlier the AVC adopts it, the less likely it is that someone else on the system has taken our names. (Not that I think that's particularly likely.)

I have to say, I'm enjoying the example comments on their website.

Eliza Coupe to play a video game character in a Seth Rogan movie!

That says a lot about how much you actually want to see it.

I'm going to try watching UnREAL week by week to give it ratings, and resist the urge to just download it all.

Here's a fun game to play with friends people:

He did, but she said no.

There's no such thing. A few of us just had a similar nightmare. That is all.