Avatar of Belle

I wish a some of my friends and family would want me to know it’s totally okay not to be a mom. I could do without their sad sighs. I’m okay, stop being sad because for the 10 millionth time: I DON’T WANT TO BE A MOM.

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

Canadian scientists doing god’s work. Delicious, god’s work.

It doesn’t have to be something cute, no. I’ve talked to one of the bartenders about it, actually, but he seemed pretty diffident, and I wasn’t sure whether it made more sense for me to escalate on my own as a concerned cis ally, or to contact a local organization. I hadn’t thought about leaving a Yelp review, as I

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

Guys, Trump has done the impossible and made me nostalgic for Bush. I would gratefully trade him into the office of President in a heartbeat. That is how bad things are. And it pisses me off that Trump is making Bush, who was an AWFUL president, be whitewashed with positive sentiment. But here we are.

Please let Scotland vote correctly this time. I...I still can’t believe Brexit is really going to happen. I was hoping for a last minute save. That someone would remember it was a non-binding advisory vote and come to their senses. This really is a dark timeline, isn’t it?

Yeah my money’s on the Scottish referendum passing this time around.

What up, ED sufferers/recoverers! Eat regular meals based on the plan set by your nutritionist/therapist/support team. Remember that is this is the internet, not your doctor’s office.

So the best thing would be if Cable continually blinks in and out of time, coming back as a different actor throughout the movie.

Flat wages plus higher prices as a result of regulatory costs and monetary policy.

Can we start the campaign to *at least* get her to play Storm??

Janelle Monae should be in all movies.

Nothing against car wash, but one of the joys of having a port cochere and a pressure washer with foam gun..

And Daniel Henney

Given that exploring Samurai World is a possibility, pretty please GRANT US THE BLESSINGS OF KEN WATANABE, JOHN CHO AND DANIEL DAE-KIM ON TV ALL AT ONCE.

I would not only eat that, I would wear the perfume.

Whoever decided that Barrowman, JLM, and Victor Garber should all partake in the same musical number, I love you.