
My club Fulham have nearly been relegated from the second tier twice! Yet my love for them is undying. Fandom should be about supporting your club, not abandoning them when it becomes inconvenient.

Thank you for this. I think about switching allegiances from Aston Villa every single day but can never pull the trigger. Thank you for reminding me to keep fighting the good* fight.

Hi there, former NUFC fan-turned-Hammer here!

95% of my head just exploded, which is ok because that means I still have 95% of my brain intact.

If the pilot wasn’t so good, there’s no way i would have lasted through 4 episodes. It stumbled hard after an almost perfect start.

I agree with everything written here. I’d further add that the reason the Raymond Hanne reveal was so last minute is because the show never cared about who really killed Andrea (even though we did). It was a show about the flawed and indifferent criminal justice system that ruins lives in the pursuit of neat

Yeah, the pilot is one of the best episodes of television I’ve ever seen.

The show benefitted - tremendously - from an incredibly intense pilot. It hooked us and drew us into Naz’s plight right away, even though it fumbled almost every opportunity borne from that intensity in almost every episode that followed.

Actually, no. You only have a right for arms.

There's an ad between EVERY COMMENT on mobile. Get it the fuck together.

Pro tip. Use counts to double check your data when using SQL. For example, you are joining customer data to the sales table and you expect each sales record to only have one customer record associated with it so check the count of the sales table before the join and check the count after the join. It should be the

from my experience as long as you have an existing database jumping right in with google is the best sql training

When do you add in the tears? Somehow I always end up with extra whenever I do this.

So some people went to the a movie featuring some of the most violent, sadistic characters in the DC universe and expected something else other than violence, sexism, over-the-top action, and machismo? Sometimes I wonder what are the qualifications to be a film critic. I guess the ability to breath is one of them.

The Brendan Rodgers Era begins in earnest.

No, there is an additional reason aside from jealousy to not like this move. That reason is entertainment. You know, the whole reason we watch sports. Do you like to know the endings to movies before you even start watching them? This season is going to be boring as hell. I have no desire to watch a team roll through

Agreed. Anyone who’s willing to sink so much additional cash into a game they paid $60 for already deserves to be ripped off.

Ill never understand the appeal to ultimate team. the amount of money you have to sink into it just to have a half decent team is unbelievable

Hardy is great but Paul Anderson’s Arthur Shelby is the performance of the show, for me.